Finally Summer is here as music naturally speaks for itself. Here we are all feeling better for the sunshine and the energy that this brings to us – yes, show love, respect for the planet, let’s engage with good intents, let’s be light and walk to the rhythm of Summertime – feel the heat…
Let’s go… yes!
It’s time to have fun and let go of the troubles… if only just for the sake of living in the moment and built on that … practise makes perfect – let’s practise happiness and who knows life will eventually get better for all of us one day…
ENJOY enjoy ENJOY > OpenUP#14 is here #now

Basta na jurnata ‘e Sole – Pino Daniele 1979 
Je te vulesse da’
Tutt’e penziere e chi ‘a matina va a fatica’
Pe’ te fa capi’
Pecché se dice 
Je te vulesse da’
Tutt’e strade d’o munno pe’ te fa’ cagna’
E spusta’ ‘e culure senza avè paura
Senza avè paura
Ma basta ‘na jurnata ‘e sole
quaccheduno ca te vene a piglia’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata e sole
Pe’ pote’ parla’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata ‘e sole
quaccheduno ca te vene a piglia’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata e sole
Pe’ pote’ canta’
Je te vulesse da’
Un po’ di luce in una stanza pe’ te fa’ tucca’
Senza cade’
Pe’ nun te fa’ sape’
Je te vulesse da’
Tutto chello ca riesco a inventa’
Pe’ te fa’ ridere accussi’
Pe’ me fa’ capi’
Pe’ me fa’ capi’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata ‘e sole
quaccheduno ca te vene a piglia’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata e sole
Pe’ pote’ parla’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata ‘e sole
quaccheduno ca te vene a piglia’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata e sole
Pe’ pote’ canta’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata ‘e sole
quaccheduno ca te vene a piglia’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata e sole
Pe’ pote’ parla’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata ‘e sole
quaccheduno ca te vene a piglia’
Ma basta ‘na jurnata e sole
Pe’ pote’ parla’
Location: LONDON